Silver Fish

SIZE: A silver fish can range from 1 to 2 inches in length.

DESCRIPTION: They are gray in color almost silver and look like a carrot in shape with long antennae. Nymphs don’t have scales but as they enter into the adult stages they attain scales.

BEHAVOUIR:  Silverfish are nocturnal insects and like to roam in dark areas in the home or will be seen roaming around at night in search for food and water. Their flat bodies make them great hiders as they can squeeze into cracks and crevices with ease allowing them to escape if seen in the morning times. Not only due to their scaly skin but are also known for their wiggle when they walk which also resembles a fish. Silver fish are extremely fast runners and can become a serious pest problem due to the fact they consume a wide variety of foods, clothing, materials, and household items. If one insect is spotted there are definitely more which is why it is important to find their habitat and rid them before they spread any further.

HABITAT: Due to the fact that silver fish are nocturnal they won’t be spotted during the day because that’s when they nest in the baseboards, walls, basements and other dark areas within the home. Silverfish prefer damp, dark areas with high humidity which is why they are mainly spotted in basements, attics, bathrooms, and crawl spaces. Silverfish consume foods, drywall, clothing and even hair which is why this pest can be a big problem for home owners. They mainly like sweet and carbohydrate food sources but will also consume photos, cellulose, glue, plaster, dandruff, hair, clothing, coffee, fabrics, and other dead insects. Silver fish can live almost more than a year without eating a thing.


  • Basic sanitation of the home can prevent these bugs from entering such as sweeping floors and vacuuming regularly.
  • Store all food in air tight containers. All cereals, flour, pasta, pet food, etc.
  • Reduce dampness in home. Purchase a dehumidifier and check for any plumbing leakages that can be causing humidity and wet conditions.
  • Seal up all cracks crevices and cover up all baseboards with caulk to prevent them from traveling within the walls of your home and feeding on the drywall.
  • Silverfish removal does require pesticides if the infestation has gotten to big. Call an Xterminate professional for all the details you need in order to handle this pest and a free quote.