
SIZE: Fleas are flat insects that measure about 1 to 4mm in length. 

COLOR: Fleas range from a brownish-red to a dark brown color.

BEHAVIOR: Fleas can go from being a small infestation to a very large infestation very quickly which is why it is important to deal with the issue as soon as it begin. One flea female can lay up to 18 eggs a day which means if there are about 20 fleas on your pet they can produce 360 eggs per day with an overall 2,000 eggs for the whole week. Fleas are parasitic insects that latch on to a host and feed off their blood. Although young fleas don’t bite a fully grown flea will feed off their hosts several times within the day. In Canada flea season is around early August to early September. Fleas can be an annoyance to your pet causing them discomfort and also hair loss, in some severe cases it can cause anemia due to blood loss.

HABITATS: Fleas can be found on mammals such as raccoons, possums, dogs, cats and other common mammals found in residential areas. Fleas are ectoparasites which means they will live on the outside of bodies where they need to feed and lay their eggs. Pets can acquire these pests through raccoons or possums also from the outdoors which allows them to spread quickly on the host.

How do I check my pet for fleas?

It is important to check your pet regularly for black spots the size of grounded pepper on the skin and fur near the tail or ears. Inspect areas where your pet goes to often such as their bed, dog houses, or kennels.


  • Keep your cats indoors in peak seasons.
  • Inspect your pet regularly and keep an eye out for black dots around the tail area.
  • Mow and rake and rake your lawn and also keep all garbage sealed shut to prevent flea infested wildlife to be attracted to your home.
  • Cover all sandboxes when not in use.

What do I do if my pet has fleas?

If you have discovered fleas on your pets it is important to deal with it immediately.

  • Remove all pet items from the home and place in sealed bag.
  • Wash all pet bedding.
  • Vacuum all carpets and rugs within the house thoroughly including furniture.
  • Sweep the whole house and thoroughly in corners and cracks.

It is important to call the professionals to deal with this issue to rid your home of the pests for good.  Xterminate’s professionals will come and do a thorough spray throughout your house to ensure all fleas and their eggs get exterminated. Obviously it is important that your pet be treated at the same time as the spray treatment by a vet.