There are over 1400 different kinds of species of spiders found all throughout Canada and all tend to have common similarities. The most common spiders you will find in Ontario are the black footed spider and the house spider, although they can bite in rare cases they are harmless.
SIZE: The body ranges up to three eighths of an inch in length to an inch, with a spherical abdomen.
DESCRIPTION: These spiders can be a brown to a gray color and have various markings.
BEHAVIOR: These common spiders are funnel web spiders meaning that they create webs that are flat and have a funnel shape retreat in one corner. The females remain most their lives on their web as oppose to the males who go out seeking for female partners and a better nesting place. It is usually the male spiders that are seen by homeowners due to their wandering. These spiders don’t have a nasty bite as compared to some other species in the spider world.

HABITATS: Spiders can be found in corners of homes and in any corner outside that is suitable for the spider to make their nest, this also includes any holes and cracks within the house or somewhere outside. They are mainly found in garages, crawl spaces, and basements due to low human activity and their probability of catching an insect is higher.
- Remove all spider webs in the house in corners and the exterior of home.
- Seal up all cracks, crevices and pipes that spiders may enter the home from or building a nest inside.
- Switch all exterior lights to yellow which actually attract fewer insects allowing for a harder environment for spiders to survive in.
- Remove heavy vegetation around the home.
- Install fine mesh screens on all foundation vents.
Should I be worried about spiders in my home?
Although majority of spiders in Ontario are not deadly the only spider in Ontario and the GTA that is considered dangerous is the black widow spider due to its deadly venomous bite but contrary to popular belief the black widows bite has rarely resulted in death. A person who is bit may experience vomiting, sweating, high blood pressure, muscle cramps and stiffness and also intense pain usually within under an hour of being bit and should be taken to the hospital immediately.