Indian Meal Moth
SIZE: Indian meal moths can range from 8 to 10mm in length with 13 to 20mm wingspans.
DESCRIPTION: Indian meal moths have 2 distinguished colors with the base of their body being a pale gray with reddish brown ends and the top of their body being a cream, light brown color. The larvae are a brownish white color with brown heads.
BEHAVOIR: Indian meal moths can be often mistaken for clothes moths when they are seen due to their similar appearance. These moths infest seeds of corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, oats and other crops. Larvae can be found crawling up walls and ceilings looking for a place to build their cocoon larvae also tunnel themselves into seeds where they feed on germs and endosperm and form silk tubes where they pupate. A life cycle of an Indian meal moth is complete in about 5 weeks in which up to 6 to 8 generations can run within a year.

HABITATS: In Canada and all over the world Indian meal moths can be found nesting and feeding in food storage areas. They are mainly found in large storage stores, warehouses, granaries etc. They can also find their way into your home and nest in your cupboards and cabinets where all the processed foods and stored. These moths will infest areas where there is shelled corn, stored grains, dried fruit, seeds, crackers, biscuits, nuts, powdered milk, chocolate, candy, red peppers, and pet food. Larvae will produce a loose silk on top of infested food material.
- Discard of all infested foods in an outdoor trash can. Also all infested house decorations such as flowers, wreaths etc. should also be discarded.
- discard all suspected food in an outdoor garbage bin.
- Clean all cabinets, cupboards and shelves where an infestation occurred. Clean with soap, water and vacuum.
- Storage of all flour, dried food, pet food etc. should be within a glass or plastic air tight container so that if there is an infestation within those items it will not spread.
- Consume older foods before purchasing new items to keep your food storage to a minimum. Products purchased in high quantity have more chances of being infested due to them being around for longer periods of time especially if not stored correctly in air tight containers.