Pack Rats

SIZE: Pack rats are mid-size rodents with bodies that grow up to 8 inches in length and with a tail that is a little bit smaller than the body.  

COLOR: The pack rat has a brown, gray to a yellowish-gray color. Their underbelly of the pack rat is much lighter than the top of the rat. 

BEHAVIOR: Pack rats get their name from picking up small, bright or shiny items and collecting them in their homes. They will take can tabs, bottle tops, pieces of foil, coins and gems. If a packrat is carrying items they will drop the current item they have and pick up the new one in a sense making a trade which is also why they are sometimes called the trade rat. They are mostly nocturnal rodents however they can be active during the day as well. Once a pack rat gains access to a structure and sets up their nest they will mainly eat their food from the building and not as much outside.

HABITATS: These rodents are not too common in Ontario but in some odd cases can appear. Most pack rats are amazing climbers and some actually will nest inside trees but usually they will live on ground or create a burrow for themselves to live in. They are not territorial which means multiple packrats can be found in one nest.


The best way to keep this pesky rodent out is by not providing them with the harborage they desire. Follow these tips to prevent mice from entering your home:

  • Keep all firewood stacks stored away from the house.
  • Remove any piles of leaves, bricks, dirt and other debris away from the house as they are perfect for house mice to live in and eventually give them a reason to enter the home.
  • Seal all holes and cracks that will allow mice to enter the home. A good way to tell if a mouse can enter is by measuring the hole or crack with a pencil or a dime.
  • Before filling all holes and cracks with caulk it is important to fill it with steel wool or wire mesh so that they can’t bite through it.
  • Install strong sweepers and weather stripping on the bottom of all your doors and ensure there is no gap. Sealing the garage door may be difficult but it is important to seal the garage door that enters into the home and also any other entry points from the garage.
  • Install snap traps and baits around your home if they have entered your home.